Book Notes: Leadership Excellence by Pat Williams

This book is just what I needed at this point in my life. Pat Williams is the Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic and author of several books. Several that I plan to read ASAP. If you are a sports fan, you’re going to love the stories Pat shares in this book.

However, it is not just a leadership book for the sports world. It is a leadership book for the Church, the Sports World, the Business World, and just about any leadership situation you find yourself engaged in. I actually used the chapter on “Visioning” with a group of Youth just this week who desire to be Camp Leaders in the future.

I have been encouraged to once again dig back into the leadership books that I love to read but haven’t read much in the past year because of a strong focus in planting a church. I realize through the encouragement of this book, everything really does rise and fall on leadership.

I will share a few great quotes from the book but I want to share one of the great points I gleaned from Pat’s great leadership book. It concerns “committees”. The purpose of a committee is to gather information and discuss items brought before them but a committee doesn’t lead. Leaders lead and leaders make decisions, therefore committees were never meant to make decisions. What a great truth and what a great reminder.

I give this book 5 of 5 stars and just purchased 3 coipies today to give away to friends in leadership positions.


“One thing I’ve learned through the years is that leadership is like a three-legged stool. The first leg is viewing yourself as a leader. The second leg is preparing yourself as a leader. The third leg is stepping up and taking a leadership role when the opportunity presents itself.” Pat williams

“Every great leader, from Washington to Lincoln to Churchill to Disney to Jobs, has experienced discouraging failures and setbacks. Every one of these leaders would certainly have quit somewhere along the line if not for a vision.”

“We need leaders with the vision to imagine a world beyond terrorism, a world beyond poverty and hunger, a world beyond energy shortages and energy dependence, a world beyond cancer and heart disease and Alzheimer’s and AIDS. We need leaders with the bold, optimistic vision to believe that nothing is impossible, that every problem has a solution.”

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