Book Notes: Israel At War by Joel C. Rosenberg

Israel at war


I picked this one up for $2.51 for Kindle and it is still available for that price at It is an interesting read and one that has given me some insight on the Middle East situation that I didn’t already have. I don’t know how I really feel about what I have read. It is hard to imagine the destruction that is imminent according to the Bible. Whether it is in this book or in one of hundreds of other books and authors who have spoken out about the prophecies in scripture concerning Israel and the other people scattered throughout the world, it is coming to a final showdown. People have offered different scenarios but in the end the conclusion is pretty much the same.

This book will give you a better understanding of the conflict between Iran and Israel, which seems to be the biggest threat to the Middle East at this time. It is a quick read and cheap, enjoy.


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