Leonard Sweet Tuesday Morning @ Holston Ministers Convocation

Leonard Sweet Tuesday morning 2013


“The failure is not in falling, the failure is in not rising up.” Leonard Sweet

“We live in a TGIF World. Twitter, Google, IPad, Facebook” and our tribe is missing its opportunity.” @lensweet

“You get to pick your furniture but not your moment.” @lensweet

“We are called to serve the world, the culture, the time we are in. Not the one we wish we were in.” @lensweet

“Two thirds of the word God is GO” @lensweet

“Sanctuary is a safe place to take risks.” @lensweet

There is no such thing as a Dove, only White Pigeons. How Jesus that the sign of Holy Spirit is a Trash Bird.” @lensweet

Just some thoughts from this morning with Len Sweet. We live in such a time where many Christians are struggling with living in the time and culture in which we do. As a matter of fact, many clergy refuse to move into a new way of sharing the gospel, a new way of doing ministry. I, myself have said many times that I long for the days when things were more simple, when families sat on the front porch and watched the traffic go by. But the fact s, those type days are a thing of the past, from another generation.

We are going to have to re-learn some things we were taught but learn to do it in a new way, a way that speaks to the unchurched people of this day. We may get to pick the furniture to decorate our homes of today in a style of another era but we do not get to choose the times we were born and the times in which we live. We are called to serve this generation, not the one we wish we had been born into. We now live in a twitter, google, Ipad, and facebook generation, we have to learn to speak the language and then “GO” and Change The World.

We have to teach our people that the “Sanctuary” is not a safe place away from the world but rather it is a safe place to take risk.


no perfect people allowed (3)


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