A letter from Pastor Ronnie to Out Of The Box WC – February 24th, 2013

The End Praise Team

251 People in worship this morning. The writing is on the wall, we have to make room for more. And what a great opportunity to face!

God continues to pour out His blessing on the work that He started in downtown Hillsville. The place is filling up on Sunday mornings and we are going to make room for more. We desire your prayers as we discern just what it is God wants us to do to move forward and to make more room.

Every week people’s lives are being impacted and many lives are being changed. I just want to say a great big thank you to all of those who work so hard to make this happen. We have people who work hours every week to provide life changing ministry to children and youth. We have people who spend hours providing life changing music. We have people who spend hours talking with and just greeting people as they come through the doors of Out Of The Box. A week never goes by that someone doesn’t tell me they were impacted before they ever got through the door. Thank you to the many who work behind the scenes and no one ever sees the hard work that you do. Stage design, sound and media, greeters, prayers warriors. Just know that no one is taken for granted and your REWARD will be GREAT in HEAVEN.

We talked about the rewards we will receive one day when we stand before Jesus and you will remember I said I am going to take all of mine and lay them at the feet of Jesus. I have learned through life that the only things we get to keep are the things we allow to be free and the things we let go of. I want OOTBWC to be a place where people will let go of things. Let go of the money you hold so tightly and lets impact some lives now for eternity. Let go of the hurts you held so tightly to so that you can learn to live in freedom. Let go of the desire to live this life forever and live with eternity in mind.

Jesus is coming again, I believe this will all of my being, I even believe it will be soon and I know even if it doesn’t happen in the next 50 years, my end is coming. The awesome things is, when it is the end here, it is just the beginning of eternity. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain church. Tell your family, your neighbors, your friends, and even the people you don’t like. Jesus is coming!

Do you like to swim, you will get to swim in heaven, do you like to eat, you will get to eat in heaven, do you like to rock climb, you will get to rock climb in heaven. The fact is, we will have eternity to explore and enjoy all of God’s Creation. It will never get old and we will never be able to take it all in. Heaven is going to be pain free, debt free, disease free, heartache free, and sin will never enter heaven but the greatest thing about heaven, we will spend eternity walking with God.

See you next Sunday!

Pastor Ronnie

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