Third Service Starts June 2nd! OOTBWC


More than we imagined..

Out Of The Box Worship Center launched on January 1, 2011. We started with just one service. Within a few months we added a second. Now it’s time for a third.

Are you excited?

We are.


Out Of The Box Worship Center is a place for regular people to grow together. For those of us who think church is too boring, intimidating, or irrelevant to our already stressed out lives. Our purpose is to launch personal relationships with Jesus Christ in ways that matter. We don’t care who you voted for in the last election, and please, don’t feel the need to pretend about anything. Come exactly as you are. No matter what your spiritual background or past, we’ll all grow together.

Out Of The Box Worship Center is an extension of the ministries of Hillsville First United Methodist Church. We are one church in two locations. If you need directions, click here.

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A note from Pastor Ronnie:

It’s our dream to have a church were our guests feel comfortable and attendees don’t have to think twice about inviting a friend. God has blessed us exponentially at Out Of The Box and First Hillsville. We’ve met so many new people and our family has grown tremendously.

We want to make sure there’s always enough room for anyone who wants to attend. After researching options to make more room at OOTBWC for more people to come and worship, we have decided the best way for that to happen at this time is to add a 3rd worship service.

On Sunday June 2nd, 2013 we will move the 1st service to 8:45am, our 2nd service to 10am, and add a third service at 11:15am. That means three services – 8:45, 10:00, and 11:15. We will have children’s programs during the 10:00 and 11:15 service.

We’re also going to start a quarterly “Night of Worship.” This will be on a night during the week where we will gather as a church body for worship, celebrations, baptisms, church memberships, and Holy Communion. I am excited about this fellowship time together.

All of these changes will increase our potential to reach our community for Christ greatly. Not only does this add room for 180 new people in the new service, it is one more opportunity for those who cannot make one of the other services to be more regular in attendance.

I am excited about what God has called us to do. I don’t believe we have just been invited to introduce Christ to our entire community, I believe we have been called to it.

I can’t wait to see you there.

Pastor Ronnie

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One comment on “Third Service Starts June 2nd! OOTBWC

  1. April 21, 2013 Jim Scott

    You Go Ronnie, but protect your voice. When I started doing 4 services every Sunday that was my biggest problem. The voice is a muscle and God will help you strengthen it. May God bless your efforts to bring more people to Christ.


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