The BIG announcement for Sunday was the start of our 3rd Sunday Worship Service at OOTBWC. We are really excited to let people know that we are making room for more and more people. Our ultimate goal is to share the Gospel with the 20 thousand plus people in Carroll County who do not go to church anywhere. Not only do we want to share Christ with them, we want to provide a place they can come and get to know Jesus better. No only that, we want them to have a place where they can have a Family Reunion each week with the ones who are part of the Family of God. We know that the day will come when we will need to start another campus but we don’t feel that time is yet. So for now we are adding more worship hours in order to make room. There are also other ways people can connect with us. We have a blog page @ you can connect with us on facebook @ you can connect with me on facebook @ and twitter @ you can e-mail me at
OOTBWC is designed to make every person feel like you belong, it is our desire that you can come and hear about Jesus and then partner with us to tell the world, starting in our own community. The 3rd service is not the end, it is only the beginning.
Yesterday we had 249 people in worship, we baptized 2 people and received 3 into membership. God is adding to our number and that is biblical. A church is meant to grow. Christianity is a movement and a movement that is stagnant is dead. Our God is not dead, He is surly alive, He is living on the inside but He is also living on the outside and people are being drawn to that.
Things are quite different at OOTBWC, we are not a traditional church but we love the traditional church. When we say we are not traditional that is not a slam on our sister churches where they worship in traditional ways. We are simply saying that we are reaching a group of people who are drawn to doing church in a different way. We are trying hard to be REAL and by real I mean that we are not side stepping anything in the Bible. We are confronting the issues and the day-to-day life that each of us is encountering. If you have a question, you can ask and feel pretty sure that if there is enough time,we will probably cover it in a sermon series. We don’t want to spend a lot of time covering questions that no one is asking. We don’t dress different, we dress just like you dress every day. If you wear jeans then you can feel comfortable wearing jeans to church. If you dress in a suit and tie then you can feel comfortable wearing that to church. If you wear flip-flops and shorts then feel free to wear that. It is not about the clothes that you are wearing, it is a matter of your heart.
If you consider yourself a Jesus Freak, you’re welcome to worship here.
If you consider yourself a skeptic, you’re welcome to come and continue your search here.
If you consider yourself an interested seeker, I think you will love what we have to offer.
If you consider yourself hopeless, I believe you will find hope here.
If you are an addict, you will find love and support here.
If you consider yourself a mess, we serve a God who specializes in fixing messes and we love standing by your side in the process.
If you are struggling with identity issues, come and struggle with the rest of us.
If you consider yourself a pretty good person, we will let you come here anyway.
If you like Country music, Rock and Roll, Rap, Gospel, Cutting Edge, Blue Grass, or just about any other kind of music, I think you will be surprised at what you find.
If you are a Coffee Lover, you’re going to love our coffee. (Don’t tell anybody but you can bring it in where the service is happening) shhh…
If you consider yourself to be perfect, come on and we will prove you’re not.
Everybody really is welcome………………..
So what are you waiting for?
To those who are already part of OOTBWC. There. are a few things that you need to remember. If you want the pastor to come and visit, you gotta let me know. I love to visit with people but I know that people lead busy lives and things are pretty hectic and I don’t usually show up uninvited. Invite me and I will be there.
If you are having surgery and you don’t let me know, I can’t come and I won’t even know to pray for you. So let me know and I will come if you so desire and if it is possible. If I can’t come, we have lots of people who would love to be there with and for you.
If you want to be baptized and no one has asked you, you need to let me know and we will get it done. Jesus said to follow Him in Baptism and we want you to do that, matter of fact we will celebrate with you when you do that.
If you would like to be a Card Carrying Member of OOTBWC, then you need to let me know. We will get you signed up and we will Celebrate like it’s 1999.
OK, I don’t know where all this came from except that I know God has Called us here for this time to swim in the river of His Blessing and I want you to come swimming with us. We’re not here for any other reason than to Build The Kingdom Of God and to help you get home to eternity more joyfully and with friends who know your name to walk through the difficult times of life and trust me times will get difficult. I have a friend who says, “Life is tough, wear a helmet.” My friend is right. My friend also knows that Eternity in Heaven is going to be GREATER than anything we can imagine and we want you to be part of Eternity.
I love you, even if I don’t know you. And by the way, if I know you and you don’t like me, I love you anyway…
Pastor Ronnie
Help Spread The Word…
That is awsome. As someone who now only get to watch from Roanoke the way out of the box has grown. So happy for the church. I will continue to pray for this ministry.