Notes from our time with Will Willimon at NCP this morning.
It really is about Vision in the church.
Vision is Selective. It isn’t just about what you will do but also about what you Refuse to do.
We are a product of how much we can see. You can only be as much of a church as you are able to see.
John 9 – Jesus saw a blind man.
The story isn’t really about the healing of a blind man. The story is about religious leaders who are blind.
The church people in this story break up into a fight and have a theological fight. This is a very typical reaction to Jesus.
People say they want to see God come down and save us, hey want to see a miracle. They’re lying!
It is shocking to see people who we don’t like get saved. We say we want them to be saved but when they get saved, people don’t like it.
The gospels focus on the people around Jesus. You can’t gaze directly into the sun, you have to look at it reflected in those around Jesus.
The religious people are offended that Jesus light is shining in places they didn’t want it to shine. Jesus is disbursing freedom, healing, and release, outside he Proper channels.
What kind of Messiah would heal this man born blind and not us religious people.
Just a note of mine here. Willimon took the time to address the group about how as Christians we like to judge each other based on what denomination we are. Based on what label we have, such as fundamental, liberal, conservative. This is exactly what Jesus kept trying to tell the religious people of the Bible, stop the religious garbage and win the lost.