Book Notes: Get Their Name

get their name


This is probably going to be the best book I will read on Evangelism this year!

No, it isn’t because I won’t read more books on this subject matter, it is simply because this is one of the best books I have read on Evangelism in the past 5 years. If you know me then you know that my passion is Evangelism. I want to win the world to Jesus Christ and I really want to do it right now.

I have been studying Evangelism for 30 years and I have read some outstanding books and been to some really good training’s and I have trained quite a few people how to share their faith with tools like this book. The difference is this and I know some will balk, this book is simply written with the Gospel in mind for 2014. This doesn’t mean that the training I have received previously is useless nor does it mean that this book is the tell all, end all on the subject of Evangelism. But it is a Great start.

The book is written in such a way that you can read it rather quickly and then go back and study it in-depth. It is a book that churches from all denominations will benefit from. Written by United Methodists but applicable throughout the spectrum.

“After consulting with more than four hundred churches throughout the country, we have observed that the primary focus for most evangelism effort is on recovering inactive members. Evangelism becomes passive, waiting for them to come, being polite when they arrive, helping them to join our organization, and then trying to get them to come back if they quit attending worship or giving money. This hands-off style of evangelism is not working—and has not worked for more than fifty years!”

I say AMEN! Evangelism is about going to the far reaches of our world, starting in our own communities and telling unreached people about Jesus Christ. For far too long the church has been turned in upon itself and placed too much emphasis on getting inactive people active again. Matter of fact that process doesn’t even celebrate much success.

“This book is about helping people in our churches move past the fear of inviting or sharing faith with others and move toward an active, passionate missionary lifestyle.”

This is a book about taking the mystery and the fear out of introducing people to Christ. For far too long we have had the excuse that people are offended by our Evangelism methods. Well, if your method is to stand on a street corner and yell at people while not really addressing anyone, if your method is to point fingers and judge, if your method is to carry a large Bible around to try to convince people the book has authority, or if you’re simply arrogant, then these things are offensive.

Those who now fear that all the substance has been knocked out of this book because of my previous statement, that is not the case. There is in the book a biblical case made for Christians to be about the mission of the church. the mission that Christ left us with. The final instructions to his disciples before Jesus left this earth in bodily form. Go and make disciples! It’s in here, no worries. It really doesn’t matter where you land on the spectrum of conservative, middle of the road, or liberal theologically, this book is a Great Tool to help prepare us to win the world to Christ in 2014.

“Outwardly focused churches define and practice evangelism as connecting the unconnected folks to Jesus and then to the church.”

If your church is not outwardly focused, it’s not a biblical church. Ronnie G Collins

I do believe that people can tell their story and win people to Christ without this book but th sad fact is, very few people have or ever will. Get this book, read it with your church leadership team, train your congregation, help them to see that it’s not offensive to tell others about the one who loves them more than anyone else ever will or could.

“You might develop your own step-by-step process of some kind, using one of the other excellent resources available. The intentional discipleship pathway creates a means for people to practice authentic discipleship, so that they become more like Christ and so that they go out into the world as agents of kingdom change. The discipleship pathway also ensures that these practices define us corporately, as the collected body of Christ. There are many options, but the important thing is for your church to develop and follow an intentional process to grow disciples.”

I give this book 10 stars and there are only 5 to give in most rankings. I would love to see the United Methodist Church get hold of this book and put its principles into practice. I believe we have the best platform available to reach the world for Jesus Christ. However, if you are not part of the UMC, the principles here are still life and church changing.


One comment on “Book Notes: Get Their Name

  1. February 6, 2014 Ken Willard

    Very nice comments. Thanks for supporting our ministry. Please let us know if we can help you.


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