Book Review: Love, Skip, Jump by Shelene Bryan

love skip jump book

I had the great pleasure of meeting Shelene Bryan in Atlanta at Catalyst 2014 and at the end of our session together I had decided I wanted to be a male Shelene Bryan. I say that jokingly but in all honesty her joy was contagious. Hearing the stories that are shared in this book of reaching out those in desperate need and in the end Shelene is the one who is changed and blessed even more than the ones she has helped.

The book is all about how supporting two children in Africa for $2500 a month started a landslide of change in the world. Yes I said change in the world because when you reach out and do something, even something small, that God has told you to to do, it causes a ripple effect that touches and changes so many others in it’s path.

This book is a great example of how we can all make an impact. No matter what our economic or social status, we can make a huge difference. Shelene started a non profit called Skip1 where you skip one meal and feed a child somewhere in the world who will otherwise go without.

This is a great place to start, if you are new to Christianity, if you are in a rut and just need some encouragement, if you have a group of people who know there must be something more to Christianity than going to church twice a week, sitting and listening to a sermon, and doing the same thing next week. Go buy this book and I promise you will be blessed.

Here are a few quotes from the book to get you thinking.

“Few things annoy me more than “Christians” who listen to sermons, memorize verses, and do nothing.” Francis Chan

“Don’t be another person who wastes his/her life by trying to save it. Spend more energy saving lives than saving for retirement.” Francis Chan

“The reality is, you are one yes away from living a life of true adventure.” Shelene Bryan

“For most of my life I had an inaccurate view of God. I viewed Him as a kindly friend who was desperate for me to squeeze Him into my busy life, instead of recognizing Him as the immense, all-powerful, unfathomable, epic Emperor of the universe—who loves me.” Shelene Bryan

“Skipping something for the sake of someone less fortunate is the kind of giving that illustrates God’s love. If I skip a lunch to feed a hungry child, the child gets fed. That’s fabulous. But even more, an attitude and a lifestyle of giving can make life truly thrilling. It may defy human wisdom, but the true gift really does belong to the giver.” Shelene Bryan

“God has some amazing life adventures set out for each of us. The challenge is, we must say yes to Him and take the jump into action. Are you willing to say yes to that?” Shelene Bryan

Warning this book can be life changing and it will take you out of your comfort zone.



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