The pictures displayed below were taken on Apple Ridge Road in Cana Virginia on January 27th, 2017.
I am listening to the concerns of our County citizens and the topic of litter comes up over and over. First there is the issue of trash along our roadways that is thrown from vehicles and we need to address this further but the greatest concern are those areas in our communities that are becoming a dumping ground.
I’ve been doing some research and I believe there are some positive steps that we can take as a County to stop litter in it’s tracks. It won’t happen over night and it won’t be easy but it can be done.
Here is what I would propose if elected to serve as your Fancy Gap District Representative on the Board of Supervisors.
“A Litter Task Force”
A Litter Task force could be made up of the following, as an example. One appointed citizen from each district in our County, at least one at large member, a member of the Sheriffs Department, a member of The Virginia Department of Transportation, one or two members of the board of supervisors, and the County Administrator.
The goal of the task force would be to formulate a plan to get areas like this one on Apple Ridge Road cleaned up and kept clean. I don’t know what all that would entail but together we can certainly formulate an effective plan. Something has to be done to catch and then prosecute the people responsible for this illegal disposal of garbage.
We must be proactive if we hope to be rid of this problem.
Ronnie G Collins