I’m thinking how truly blessed I am…
I serve The God, Jehovah, of the Bible…
I have an amazing family…not perfect, but amazing…
I have the absolute best friends a man could have…
I serve three amazing local churches…
I live in a beautiful part of the world…
I have a nice home and dependable vehicles…
I have never had to wonder where my next meal is coming from…
When we began to feel the effects of Coronavirus about 16 days ago, it was pretty easy for me to keep a good attitude and to encourage others to have faith that God is still in control and He is not surprised by any of this. God will never be found walking the streets of Heaven with sweat on His brow from worry.
For the past two weeks we have honestly laughed more than we have laughed in a long time at our house. We have prepared and shared meals together, and yes we have made some great desserts. We have run together and rode bicycles for miles. We have even done yard work together. Our grandkids are with us most days and we cherish that time with them.
With that being said, when the Governor of Virginia gave the Stay At Home order yesterday afternoon, there was some sadness in my heart.
I am not a cold weather person, my favorite weather is 70 degrees and above. I would much rather be hot than to be cold. I jokingly tell Misty often that we need to move to Florida where we could have year round warmth. Needless to say I loved this winter as it has been one of the warmest ever on record for our area. In January we began to plan some family trips. We have one planned for Tybee Island in late April, Lake Junaluska in June, and Lake Hartwell for the late summer or early Fall. My first thought was, all of this is now on hold and the first two are probably not going to happen. But then almost immediately I remembered the year we did Staycation and vacationed at home. That year we saved a lot of money, we grilled out, sat by the firepit, built a playground for the kids and a nice sitting area around the firepit.
I quickly realized that we don’t have to go anywhere. We need God and we have each other and that is really all that matters. We will take it one day at a time. The Bible says that His mercies are new every morning. We will be thankful for our good health and our family and friends and we will help others every opportunity we have. Who knows, we may finally get all the clutter out of the house, we’ve been working on it for a few years now. Where there are obstacles, there are new opportunities.
I have Joy unspeakable and full of glory…