Thinking about all the things I’ve lost during this pandemic…Thoughts on April 3rd, 2020


Once again in the last 24 hours we lost approximately 1000  more people to the Coronavirus. As I read of all the people who have died I began to think of all the things I have lost during this pandemic.

My family is no longer able to do many of the things that we enjoy. Going out to eat together, going to the movie theater, going on camping trips, just hanging out with friends, going to worship services, and one of my favorites, Rook Tournaments. Basically anything that puts people together is not encouraged or allowed right now because of this pandemic.

I miss those things. But I haven’t lost anything!

First and foremost I have Jesus in my heart and no one can take that away from me, not even death. Second of all, I have my family right by my side and they are all healthy. Third, I have a nice home that is both warm on cold days and cool on hot days. Our electricity and water are both still working. We have the benefit of the internet that allows us to stay connected with our church family and friends. I really haven’t lost a thing. (And we still have toilet paper.)

Here are some of the things I have gained.

I have longed for a day when things would slow down and we wouldn’t be running from thing to thing, almost at the rate of nothing having real meaning, simply because we no longer had the time to enjoy where we were because of where we had to go next. The day I have longed for is here, my family is actually enjoying these slow paced days where we can stop and laugh together. We are playing outdoors as well as working together in the yard. We are taking the time to read and watch some shows together. We are enjoying the grandchildren and everyone doing homeschool together. We are finally eating the food we have had in the cabinets for a long time that really needs to be eaten. Our animals are enjoying the attention they are getting because everyone is home. We have two dogs who love to run with us and we have been running almost every day.  We have 5 cats and a new litter of kittens (one of them will definitely be named Corona) but not if the rest of the family gets a say in the naming. 🙂 Even Spike the Corn Snake is getting more attention these days. I know I just lost a bunch of you, I have always wanted to bring Spike to church and use him in a sermon illustration but I have always feared people would leave and never come back, now I can use him on a livefeed, I’m sure Pastor David will hold him for me until I am ready for him 🙂

Spike on his log

Anyway, my point being simply this…We haven’t lost anything, we haven’t suffered any loss, we have good health, we have each other, and we have God in our lives most of all. I refuse to act like a spoiled child who no longer gets to do whatever he wants. We are blessed beyond measure.

Just my thoughts.

Pastor Ronnie