Book Review: Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker

Barefoot Church is one of the books in the series for the Exponential Conference that I recently attended in Orland Florida, and it is a really good read.

It is in line with so many of the books coming out today regarding the church and where the future of the church lies. We are definitely in a cultural shift, not only in the way we do church but in the way we do life in general. In the book, Brandon begins by telling about a church service he and his wife attended where the speaker challenged everyone to leave their shoes at the altar at the end of the service to give to the homeless in that town. This is where the idea for Barefoot Church comes from. It is about a culture of reacjhing out and being the church and not just going to church.

I’m in…

I believe that we live in a culture of people of all ages that are tired of going to church and having a boatload of programs, they want to get their hands dirty and do the work of God.

Get this book and be challenged to the core of what you are doing as individuals and as the church.



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