Hillsville FUMC is a “Body of Christ” on the move. The church is us, me and you and the others that God has “Called Out”. The church is not the building, we only meet there.
I know this may not be good English but this is a blog and blogs I am told need to have a few typos and personal traits in them to be really good. I hope this is really good.
Tonight we had our church council meeting, started at 7pm and went to 10:30pm. That is a long meeting but isn’t it Awesome to know that a group of people are so interested in seeing God’s Kingdom grow that they would stay there that long. These folks have jobs that they work all day and then come to a church meeting and stay the evening, that is dedication and my hat is off to you church council members and committee chairs as well.
We discussed the space needs that are so great in our church. We have one class that is meeting on the stage in the fellowship hall, they are not complaining but we know that the interruptions are great. We have a large Tweens group that needs a place to call their own. We have a great band that needs a place to store the equipment they need to do the SNL service right. We have a great and growing Pre School that has so many storage needs for the little children. We have a Choir that is out of room, a Choir loft that is full and over flowing and Sunday school classes that are running out of room. Praise The Lord. These are great concerns to have and our Council is working to meet those needs.
We need to be diligent to pray for the leaders of the committees as solutions are sought and decisions are made. I would go so far as to challenge each of us to Fast and Pray.
As a matter of fact, my hat is off to all the folks in the Hillsville church that work so hard. From the youngest child, youth, young adult, adult and senior citizen. Hillsville is carrying out “The Great Commission”. You are making a difference in a dark world.
You are AWESOME!
Check this out “Stitchie” Fast and Pray” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvAtu-5sU4c