Shortage of Blood

September 24, 2008


To Whom It May Concern:


Subj:  Low Regional Blood Supply Inventory for American Red Cross


      I have just received word from the American Red Cross – Appalachian Blood Region in Roanoke, VA, indicating that the regional blood supply is less than one day for 4 of the blood types: Types A+, B+, O- and B-.  Types O+, A- and AB- are in supply barely over the single day’s need.  This is not a good situation as the Red Cross has a goal to maintain a 5-day supply and is “generally satisfied” as long as the supply is 3 days or more.


      Because of this dramatic shortage, the Red Cross has asked me to contact local civic leaders to solicit support of the groups they may have contact with to encourage the public to support their local blood drives.


        The next four blood drives in Hillsville are:


            Monday, September 29th at VFW Post 1115:  11 AM to 5 PM


            Saturday, October 25th at First United Methodist Church:  10 AM to 4 PM


            Monday, November 24th at VFW Post 1115:  11 AM to 5 PM


            Saturday, December 27th at First United Methodist Church:  10 AM to 4 PM


        Please distribute this information to your constituents and help your community and our region in this time of need.


      Please contact me if you have any questions or have any suggestion as to how we can promote or increase donations in our community.


      Thank you! 


 Bill Webb

Volunteer Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator

276-728-4883 Home

276-733-5974 Cell



ATTACHMENT:  Chart of Appalachian Blood Inventory as of 09/24/08 



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