Are you using too many words?

Are you using too many words?

Dear Ronnie,
Are you using too many words when things are going wrong with your kids? I struggle with this, too! There seems to be a part of my brain…the “lecture lobe”…that occasionally takes over. Here’s why this is a problem:

The more words we use when our kids are upset or acting out, the less effective we become. Every syllable just feeds the fire!

Why is this so? All kids crave attention and recognition from the adults in their lives. Extremely easy-going kids generally prefer the positive variety. In fact, they’ll do just about anything to get it. In contrast, challenging children often get addicted to the negative…particularly when we fall into the habit of talking too much when they’re acting out. Once this negative cycle gets started, they spend more and more time trying to push our buttons…so that they can hear more exciting lectures laced with emotion.

To combat this sad state of affairs, Love and Logic parents remember the following:

Save the words for happy times!

In my CD, “Oh Great! What do I do now?” I provide a variety of Love and Logic alternatives to nagging, reminding or lecturing. All of these tools are designed to help you take better care of yourself while teaching your children that the best way to get your attention is to behave respectfully and responsibly.

Thanks for reading!
Dr. Charles Fay



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