What is your CAGE?

The word that Celtic Christians used for The Holy Spirit means “Wild Goose” and Mark Batterson says that chasing a Wild Goose is an adventure, just as chasing after Holy Spirit should be.

In the book “Wild Goose Chase”, Mark Batterson tells about going to the Galapagos and seeing wild animals in their natural habitat and not in a cage. This is what sets the tone for the book. Many times in church we get into a cage of how and what we are supposed to do and anything  or anyone that steps out of that cage is out of line. Wild animals are supposed to be out in the open, living an adventure filled life and not confined to a small place. Christians as well are supposed to live out in the open and not inside the cage of the church building. 


“I think the rich young ruler is representative of a generation that longs to come out of the cage and live dangerously for the cause of Christ. But too many among us end up settling for spiritual mediocrity instead of striving for spiritual maturity. Jesus speaks to that deep-seated longing for adventure by challenging us to come out of the cage. But coming out of the cage means giving up the very thing in which we find our security and identity outside of Christ”.

“In the case of the rich young ruler, his cage was financial security. Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

How could Jesus demand so much?

He asked him to give up everything he had!

But we fail to appreciate the offer Jesus put on the table”.

Mark Batterson

” I don’t know how much this rich young ruler had to give up – Jesus offered him so much more. This was the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship with none other than the Son of God. Come on, that’s got to look good on your resume! You can’t put a price tag on that kind of experience. But the rich young ruler turned it down. He opted for the cage. And he made the mistake so many of us make: he chose an accessorized life over a life of adventure, over a life of chasing the Wild Goose”.

Marl Batterson


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