We have another blogger in the family

Betsy King is the latest to start a new blog and her address is http://gloriousunveiledfaces.wordpress.com/

Donna Godwin now has a blog called Art n Stuff    http://godw1nz.wordpress.com/

Jacob Singleton has dirtyfeetand 1lostsheep          http://dirtyfeetand1lostsheep.wordpress.com/

Tyler Carpenter has a great blog @                             http://www.tylercarpenter.blogspot.com/

Jason Smith has a technology blog @                        http://jesmith127.wordpress.com/

I look forward to every time one of these folks post a new blog. I believe it is fruit that God is allowing us to see and enjoy in the ministry to which He has called us.

I hope there will be more that catch the vision of sharing what God is placing on your heart, things that others need to hear and see.


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