The children in your ministry have grown up with the joys of the internet. It has opened their eyes to new worlds and distant cultures, exposing them to the depth of human creativity. However, in this flurry of information and interaction it is important to understand the potential dangers the internet can pose to your children.
It is no secret that sex offenders use the internet to gain access to children through the attention and affection of online friendships. As parents and ministry leaders it is important to be aware of the dangers posed by online child predators, and you must work to protect your children whenever you see the symptoms of potential online abuse.
The warning signs of potential online abuse include:
- Your child spending large amounts of time online, especially at night
- Finding pornography on your child’s computer
- Your child receives mail, gifts, or packages from someone you don’t know
- Your child turns the computer monitor off or quickly changes the screen on the monitor when you come into the room
For more on the dangers, signs, and prevention of internet abuse, every parent should click here and read “A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety” at
Stay safe!