Good Life, Great Life, God Life

Which one of these do you have? I truly believe that I have all three to some degree. Beth White was with us at Out Of The Box last night and did an awesome job as always. Beth spoke about the above title.

A person can live a good life without God. If you work hard you can have a good life and the good life is characerized by working hard and having things. However things only satisfy for a very short period of time and then you have to have something more and better.

The great life can be obtained by acknowledging God in you life and working hard. The great life is characterized by doing. You work hard, have things and do. You have to do to be fulfilled but before long the doing has to be increased to have the same effect. You can never do enough.

The God life is characterized by letting God love us. Submitting to God’s Will for our lives and total surrender to His plan rather than our own.

We most often plan for a good life in the way we see good. God always plans the best for us.

Pass up the good and the great and let’s live the God life!


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