Question for You

I posted this question on Facebook yesterday and only received one response. Are we to the point that people really don’t care about lost people enough to try and tell them about Jesus Christ?

Here is the question again, lets get some responses going.

Question: Would you invest 90 days of your life, praying, Fasting, & sharing your faith to see 3000 people come to know Christ?

I cannot wait to hear your responses and your thoughts might just end up in my first book.


22 comments on “Question for You

  1. June 12, 2009 Lee Thomas


    I believe this is a good ideal for all pastors to do in each church. Jesus said to go into all the world and preach and teach the gospel. We as pastors and Christians can’t do that unless we go out side of the church walls and become a living, walking and talking church vessel for we are the body of Christ.


  2. June 12, 2009 Maria

    Hey Ronnie,

    I would be willing to tell others about Jesus, pray and fast to see 3000 people come to know Jesus Christ. I can’t imagine life without Jesus and I truly don’t know how people do it. I think this would be good for pastors and all congregations to do. After all what is the church about if it’s not about sharing Jesus Christ that others might be saved.

    God bless,

  3. June 12, 2009 godw1nz

    Yes I would! I also feel that at times we all do, maybe we do it more at certain times and less than others. Maybe the question should be: would you invest 90 days ON PURPOSE? Meaning, that when I get out of bed everyday, that is the first thought on my mind. To pray for the lost, to seek the lost, to build relationships with the lost, and to bring the lost to Christ, IN MY OWN BACK YARD! Out of the church BOX. The statistics say for Carroll County, 79% of all people in CC are home in bed on Sunday morning! THAT’s the time to knock on doors! To take church to THEM in their own homes! Can you imagine if we started knocking on doors and offering families hot biscuits and prayer on Sunday morning??????????????????
    Let’s try it!!!!!!

    • June 12, 2009 imagebearer

      Hey Donna, I like that idea and I will use it.

  4. June 12, 2009 Doug

    I would invest the time to pray, fast, and share faith with others to see thousands come to know Christ intimately. I believe we should be doing this already. However, we let other less important things take our time and focus. The early church turned the world upside down because they were focused on sharing faith in the RISEN LORD. If we were to regain our focus on Jesus through prayer and fasting, the witness would flow through us and we would see our modern world turned upside down. Let it happen!!

  5. June 12, 2009 RuthAnne

    What do you have in mind, Ronnie? I work at consistently sharing my faith, and I practice the Church’s historic disciplines to sharpen my relationship with God and enhance my witness. I am very open to joining with others to become more effective in spreading the Word.

    I stand by my original statement. Investing our lives to reach the lost is what we all should be doing. It is our mission. So would I invest 90 days? Yes. And every day after that, too.

  6. June 12, 2009 Rick

    Feel honored because I don’t blog, I don’t twitter, but yes I would


  7. June 12, 2009 Lori

    Isn’t that what we suppose to be “ALL About”?!? Somehow, we seem to let life get in the way…… I pray for God to put on our hearts and burden us with HIS Plan! Wow!!! God is Good!!

  8. June 12, 2009 David Gilliam

    God broke my heart for lost people in a such a profound way nearly 12 years ago. I spent 4 years in overseas missions for that reason and one of my primary goals in youth ministry and through events and EncounterGen is ultimately the salvation of lost people. I think peoples’ personalities are different, and that lends to different styles of evangelism, but it is easy to hide behind my introverted personality. The answer to the question is that it is a challenging one. Yes, I would pray and share my faith when the opportunities come. Would I fast? Yes, to some degree, but probably not 90 days if I’m honest. I think of Jesus’ time in the desert for 40 days, and it challenges me. It reminds me of how selfish I can be. I don’t think God would have us do things simply out of legalistic duty or condemnation, but I do think He would challenge me, and the whole Church, to a deeper and deeper love of Him and for lost people so that the outpouring of our hearts and lives would do whatever it takes to see lost people saved – leave the 99 to chase after the one who is lost! It’s a challenging question, Ronnie, and one that makes me think and pray: Lord, break our hearts for what breaks Your heart.

    • June 12, 2009 imagebearer

      Hey David, I am getting more excited by the minute about what God is doing in Holston. Just to clear up something that may have thrown people off. I was meaning to say Fast throughout the 90 days and not a continual Fast. Sorry if I threw a curve ball there. I have Fasted for 7 days once in my life and it was so rewarding but I need to make a better habit of it. I will tell you more as I hear more and more responses to this question but I am excited at what God is about to do in and through our lives in Holston Conference.

  9. June 12, 2009 Terry Carty

    Sure Ronnie. I would do all that if I thought it would bring one person to Christ! Now that I think of it, focused discipline is the way I often bring myself before Christ when I realize that I don’t notice Christ daily. TC

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  11. June 12, 2009 Betsy King

    I’d invest as many days as God allows me. Everyday is a new opportunity to reach the lost. We are running out of time and cannot miss any opportunity. We know how God blesses faithful witnessing, don’t we Ronnie? If everyone who reads this blog would get on board with you, I think we could see many more than 3000! God can do it! Be obedient and watch how Big the God we serve is!!!

  12. June 13, 2009 Ginny

    The challenge is that some people want to pick and choose the 3000 persons.

  13. June 13, 2009 Chuck Dawn

    Now Ronnie I do not check that facebook stuff all of the time and I did not see the question. I read it here. The question seems baited to me, becauase the answer is that I will spend my life to reach the (1) lost God wants me to find. Thats what we have done is it not? We give our lives to God for God and if that number reached by us is just (1) then that is the blessing. I like the question if you did away with 3,000, because we are here for small things like the lonely lost (1). Now if I have miss read this and you are looking for those that will walk this 90 day journey somewhere then give me a call.

  14. June 13, 2009 John Justice

    1 Corinthians 3:6 I am willing to plant and water(pray,fast,share-whatever it takes),but God gives the increase (1,3,300,3 thousand or three million). Since I heard His call, my answer has always been, “Here I am Lord.” Do you have something specific in mind? Call on me!

  15. June 14, 2009 Kim

    I find myself looking for the rapture of the church more every day, so I must likewise be concerned about those that are not ready! So, what’s the plan? We can’t wait until we’re ready to go, we must just go. My life feels full with everything there is to do, but we must make room for this, our really only purpose in life.

  16. June 15, 2009 Chris Luper

    As I think about this question, I really have to ask myself, “Is praying, fasting, and sharing my faith to much to ask of me?” I think about what JC did and I have to answer my own question with a most definite NO! Sure, 90 days is a long freakin time, but I have felt a LIFETIME calling to serve God in my own life. As I look at what youth pastors did for me in my own life as a teenager, I often pray to God that I can touch my own students in that same way. So would I do those 3 things? Of course I would and I’m not trying to give the “Kumbaya, let’s all hold hands kind of answer.” I mean isn’t this what God himself has called us to do as disciples in the faith? It’s all about furthering the Kingdom. Just imagine the opportunity to touch 3000 people in 90 days! Glory be to God in the highest!!!

  17. June 15, 2009 The Thief

    I would do it for one.

  18. June 15, 2009 michael collins

    pupa this is just great that people are willing to come as one for Christ Jesus. You can count me in. Jesus told us to go into the world and make disciples.(matt. 28:19) I love this idea.

  19. June 16, 2009 Sharon

    Sorry for not answering sooner, but my computer was acting up so I just got the question today. I must say it was driving me crazy to find out what the question was! 90 days of being in a foreign country engaged in a war, or 90 days locked up away from your family, 90 days that you are sick and can’t get out of bed, 90 days of unemployment, yeah that seems like a LONG time, but 90 days to bring just one soul to Jesus after all that He has done for me, is nothing to ask of me or anyone who proclaims to Love him. If I thought I could bring 3000 people to know Christ, I would feel like a million dollar lottery winner must feel!
    I would be speachless like Abraham!
    I will have to think about the fasting part!

  20. June 17, 2009 Corynn

    yeah that would be amazing. I’m really excited to see people get saved now that I helped my friend Kortnie. 🙂


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