40 Day Evangelism Devotional Guide

The 40 Day Evangelism Devotional Guide is ready. It is my prayer and the prayer of the Witness Team of Holston Conference that you will share this devotional and the Prayer, Hope, and Desire of the team that we pray, fast and ask God for 3000 Souls during the 90 Days between February 23rd and Pentecost Sunday May 23.

You will be able to view the devotion beginning February 23rd right here, or you can request a copy and I will be glad to send you one through e-mail. It will also be available for download from The Holston Conference web site.

Download it here

or here


Lets Pray, Fast, and See Gods Face together.



You are about to embark on an adventure with God. What will this adventure look like?
It could mean that you will pray, fast, and seek God’s face and that He will lead you to people that
need to know Him, people who need to be baptized, people who need to be discipled. It may mean
that at the end of these 90 days, you will have drawn closer to God through the spiritual disciplines
of prayer, fasting, and the giving of your time and energy. It may mean that there will be more
people in heaven someday because you took the challenge to ask God for 3000 souls that will follow

Matthew 28: 18-20
Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to
commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by
baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I
have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the

The Message
Jesus said, go and make disciples and that is just what we intend to do. In order to find them, we
have to go. And in order to disciple them, we have to introduce them to Jesus Christ.
We are extending this challenge to you. Seek God in prayer and fasting in some form or fashion for
40 days, from February 23rd to April 3rd, 2010. Ask God to lead us, empower us, and embolden us
as witnesses that we might see 3000 people come for baptism on Pentecost Sunday 2010, May 23rd.
Use this devotional guide to lead your prayers over the next 40 days; after this 40-day period of
prayer and fasting, prepare to spend 50 intentional days seeking those who need to know Jesus the

In answer to the question you may have about why 3000, I offer the following letter written by
Harry Denman in 1949.

Dear Friend:
This letter is to ask every pastor not to observe Pentecost on June 5, but to meet the conditions so
that every church will have a Pentecost on that day. It can be done if we will organize our church to
witness to the fact that Jesus is Christ and that he is alive and can save persons from sin and death.

Easter to Pentecost

Fifty Golden Days of Evangelism
EASTER, We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Redeemer. We have a living Christ. This
is the beginning of evangelism. Why shouldn’t every church organize visitation teams to visit one night
each week during this period and secure thousands of first commitments for Christ and his church, to be
received on Pentecost Sunday, June 5?

FAMILY WEEK. May 1-8, This is a splendid time to visit young families and secure their first
commitment for Christ and his church and establish a Christian home. What holy days there are, Easter to
Pentecost, Including Family Week!

There were One-hundred-twenty in the Upper Room. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
Three thousand were baptized that first Pentecost. How many will be baptized in our churches on
Pentecost Sunday 1949?

Let us pray and work daily that every church will have a Pentecost.

Your Friend, Harry Denman
Shepherds, May 1949

In memory of Evangelist Harry Denman, the Witness Team is presenting a challenge to all United
Methodist Churches in the Holston Conference.
Easter Sunday is March 23, 2008, and Pentecost Sunday is May 11. There are 50 days between
Easter and Pentecost. We are presenting the challenge to each church to organize visitation teams to visit
in your community, engage people on facebook, in e-mails, to come up with your own unique ways to
invite people to Christ, to church, during these 50 days.

One comment on “40 Day Evangelism Devotional Guide

  1. February 15, 2010 Ron Holmes Jr

    I will be praying &fasting for this great call & work of God! please keep me posted!! GPD BLESS


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