Fasting Journal Day 3 – February 25, 2010

This is my 3rd day of fasting. I will say again as yesterday, I have not been hungry. The desire to eat is pretty strong, especially when I am around the smell of food. I actually had a meeting over lunch at Fats Cafe in Dublin today with District Youth Leaders and I didn’t really struggle all that much, although the food looked GREAT!

Last night I dreamed about my dog Esau who died 20 months ago. Esau would have been 16 years old if he had lived until December 5th 2008. He was one of the best friends I ever had and God taught me so much through Esau. He was a little Pomeranian and lots of people said that I looked odd as a big man with a little dog but that didn’t matter. Esau is like one of my children and by the way, I believe that Esau and I will be together again in heaven when I die.

I am not sure what God may have been saying to me through the dream and I do believe that God speaks in this way. I know there was a feeling of peace when I found Esau. In the dream I knew that he had died and when I found him I wondered why he was back alive again. He wasn’t any different, still the way he was at 15 years of age, not a puppy or anything. It was a great dream. The reason I mention this is because I don’t dream very much unless I am fasting, I expect God to speak to me through dreams in these 40 days.

I am reminded again today how much our stomachs have control over us. We plan so many things around eating. It has become a way of life to the point that we live to eat rather than eating to live. I don’t think it was ever meant to be that way.

I have been really sleepy and have slept great the last 2 nights. I am hoping that this period will leave me soon, although I hope to keep sleeping good at night.

I am reading through the New Testament and you will see blog posts here over the next few days where God is revealing things to me.

There are several people who are fasting the entire 40 days with me and many others who are fasting 1 week of the 40 days and still others who are fasting one day each week. One of my youth @ Out Of The Box has chosen to fast 2 meals a day and then the final week of my fast. He has made this decision in conjunction with his family and I am just amazed at his commitment.

Still some people believe what I am doing is unattainable but I relate it to running a Marathon. You do 26.2 miles 1 step at a time and you fast 40 days each moment. Each moment I am looking for that insight or that nugget that God is showing me on this Marathon Journey.

God is awesome!


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