Hello my Brothers, Sisters, Friends, and Family.
It has now been a week and I wanted to keep you updated on this 40 day journey that I have embarked on.
After a couple of days the “hungry” sensation has left. Physically I am not hungry, I am not having hunger pains. It is very much like working through lunch and then looking up and saying it’s 2pm and time to eat. So that physical nature of a rumbling belly has been gone now for several days.
Mentally (on food) for the most part everything is going well. I will reach times in the day and think “its time to eat” and then I remind myself no not today. Sometimes funny little smells will get you as an example [toast popping up and smelling up the room]. But I am really not in a struggle there either, as I walked into the church the other morning after a pancake and bacon breakfast and it did not bother me at all. I would say there is still a struggle as “yes” I could eat, but I know I don’t have to.
Mentally in thought and perspective; I have really been thinking about how overrated food really is, and I am struggling on why any of us really feels the need to “have to eat or overeat”. Which has been leading me beyond the thought of simple gluttony, but much deeper issues that the side effect is eating. Is it boredom? Is it self-esteem? Is it depression? Is it loneliness? I have been looking at what most “diets” are about, especially those that are related to a group. So far my thoughts have come to a place that we all need a “support group” and I am in prayer on how we can change our ways to be the church that helps people in these needs. As I think it goes much deeper than Worship Services, Sunday School classes, Study Groups, or Witness and Out Reach, to me it has been overwhelming my thoughts that we are not Nurturing the needs of the world. I have some more thoughts on this I call it Growth Groups, but for now I am going to continue to pray in this direction if you will join me on how the church can be transforming and appealing to the real needs of the world. In simplicity help me pray for us to be the “Community” for and with each other.
Physically I have had many changes. As of last night when I weighed I have lost 16 pounds (I jumped into this on a Word but I do know something about the body and as I remember a pound of fat holds over 3,000 calories so I am not starving). I am sleeping better I wake up very refreshed and alert. I actually feel more awake in the evenings or at least not tired. My blood pressure has dropped 10 points. My arms feel better. I was concerned with my left leg as it still has not gained the muscle back from where I could not walk on it for 6 months, but it feels pretty good. To tell the truth there has been swelling on my knee and pressure since the surgery the Dr said it may never go away, well over 90% of that swelling has gone away, and it did not hurt last night when I kneeled on it. So far the physical gains from this Fast has been overwhelmingly great. The things that have been negative has been that I had some headaches (2 nights) but ended after day 3. I felt muscle soreness on the 3rd day but it passed on the 4th day. My breath felt yucky for several days and some today. My saliva has increased. So physically I am doing great I actually feel much better today then I did a week ago.
Spiritually. this area has been overwhelming. Yes I began this journey asking for help to make it through these 40 days, and I know that I still need to give and get those prayers for me. I feel God talking to me maybe more, I feel that I am seeing the Kingdom a little better. Doing daily devotions and Bible readings is very revealing. I feel that true “needs” of others I am seeing, with a path to better serve the world. I am hurting, on how I will have the ability to reach the needs of the people. So Spiritually it has been overwhelmingly wonderful. I have not found the answers to many things, but I am getting the questions to seek answers and I am getting blessed with every breath. Every week I say that “people need a kind, caring, and encouraging word, and whether they know it or not what everyone needs is Jesus, and God is sending you out to get the Word out”, well I am better seeing the true hurt of people and I think I am getting a handle on how to better show them Jesus.
All and all everything is going very well. The journey is down to only a little over 5 weeks left. I will keep you all in my prayers and I hope you will keep me in yours.
wow…Ronnie…wow! I am amazed at your faith journey…Praying for you….