I started the day feeling pretty weak and I attribute this to the fact that I walked 2 miles yesterday afternoon. I am just glad I decided not to run. I actually felt so good that I considered running a couple of times. Finally about 10am I drank a can of low sodium V8 Juice and have felt great the rest of the day. I guess if I decide to do any walking for the next 27 days I will just have to be prepared to do less, maybe a mile and plan to have a V8 or broth.
I have lost 19 lbs as of this morning and that feels pretty good, a great side benefit. Overall I feel healthy and strong yet I do not have the energy to do many of the things that I would normally do. I am sleeping so great, straight through the night without the usual waking up. I am still waking up early and have done that for years.
I have had lots of time to read today and knocked out a couple of small books. God is teaching me things but to date I haven’t sensed any huge spiritual breakthroughs. I am expecting great things as this truly is a humbling of myself like none other I have ever attempted. I wait in anticipation of the 3000 souls.
This is day 12 so I have 28 to go, getting closer all the time.