40/50/90/3000 Devotional: Day 13- March 7th, 2010

Day 13 – March 07, 2010
Teach with your life

“He taught with His life before He taught with His lips.” (Prophetic Evangelist: The Living Legacy of
Harry Denman, 1993)

What would happen if, when we are insulted, we blessed the one who insulted us?
What would happen if, when someone was mean to us, we were nice in return?
What would happen if, when someone said something bad about someone else, we said something nice
about that same one?
What would happen if, when someone hurt our feelings, we did something nice for them?
What would happen if, when someone did anything that isn’t nice or is just outright mean, we took the
time to pray for them and then forgave them?

Mark 8: 34-35 (TNIV)
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my
disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to
save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”
What would happen if we carried our cross in total obedience in these situations?


Be an Image Bearer.

Lord, You created us in your image. Since the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, you
have been working to restore that image. May we be ever aware that we are Jesus to a lost world.

Submitted by: Rev. Ronnie G. Collins

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