The Pentecost Flame

This is an awesome Gift made by Donna Godwin and given to me. Here is the story behind the Cross, check out Donna’s Blog at Art N Stuff

Inspiration comes to me in many forms.  This time it was through a conversation with a friend about the book of Acts and about Pastor Ronnie’s 40 day fast.  I see the Holy Spirit falling upon this man of God.  He is permeated with the aroma of Christ.  He is filled with joy beyond measure.  A lot of people can only see that he is weak, hungry and that he has lost weight.  I do not see that at all.  I see the power of Christ Jesus emerging in this man…a man who is following Christ so hard and fast that he has given up his love for food so he can be filled with the love of Jesus Christ.  It is amazing to me and it has touched me deeply- to the core of my soul.  I cannot look at Pastor Ronnie without tears welling up in my eyes.  They aren’t tears of sadness- they are tears of joy in knowing that Christ is in our midst.  That Christ is indeed working in His faithful servant.

When I gave him this cross yesterday, I had him close his eyes and placed it in his hands, so he touched it before seeing it.  It is made to be caressed as he prays.  It fits in the hand just so and it is smooth and easy to hold.  Jesus is like this also.  He is easy to hold, to hug and to talk to.  I didn’t plan it that way-but God certainly did.  This cross went from my mind to the paper in a matter of minutes.  On Saturday I went to the woodshed to pick the perfect piece of wood for it.  As I was selecting my wood- the friend who inspired me called.  So, in way, she was there with me as I was choosing the wood.  I picked the cherry because of it’s color and grain.  You can’t see it very well here.  The main piece ( upright) represents the flames of Pentecost.  The crosspiece represents the Dove of Peace and the bird is the Holy Spirit falling upon the vision of Pastor Ronnie and everyone he comes in contact with.  It is a powerful thing.

Acts 2

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.

Pastor Ronnie is on day 21 of his fast.  Please continue to pray for him as he continues his walk with God-gone is the man who was in the world and in his place Jesus remains.

Arise my Love, Arise.

Not a word was heard
at the tomb that day.
Just shuffling of soldiers feet
as they guarded the grave.
One day, two days,
three days had past.
Could it be that Jesus
breathed His last?

Could it be that His Father
had forsaken him?
Turned his back on his son
dispising our sin.
All hell seemed to whisper
‘Just forget Him, He’s dead.’
Then the Father looked down
to his son and he said..

Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer
has a hold on you
No more death’s sting
No more suffering
Arise…Arise…my love.

The Earth trembled
and the tomb began to shake,
and like lightening
from Heaven the stone was rolled away.
And as dead man
the guards they all stood there in fright
As the power of love
displayed its might
Then suddenly a melody
filled the air
Riding wings of wind,
it was everywhere
The words all creation
had been longing to hear
The sweet sound of victory,
so loud and clear.

Arise, my love.
Arise, my love.
The grave no longer has a hold on you.
No more death’s sting
no more suffering

Sin, where are your shackles?
Death, where is your sting?
Hell; has been defeated.
The grave could not hold the king.

Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer
has a hold on you
No more death’s sting
No more suffering

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