District Youth Rally “Wytheville District” April 25th, 2010

On April 25, Pulaski First United Methodist Church will host our next District Youth Rally.  This will be a very special event!  We will have Roger Williams and The All Mixed Up Quartet (From Resurrection 2010) with us in concert on that evening! You can find more information about the group at http://www.rogerwilliamsministries.org/.

The group has agreed to do this concert for a love offering. ($5 per person is suggested)  This will allow folks to enjoy the band who may not be able to afford it otherwise…The band has had many request from churches since Res., but many of those churches can not afford to bring them in.

We will also Danny Bright with us on that evening to open for the band, and Jason Roe will bring our message that night!  This should be an awesome evening!

Also, we will be holding District Council on Youth Ministry (DCYM) and Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM) elections on that night following the concert.  Any youth who are interested in participating, should contact Chris Luper as soon as possible, so that he can email them a form to fill out. If you are interested in being an officer, please be prepared to tell everyone present on the night of the rally who you are, what church you attend, and why you would like to represent our district in one of these positions. Remember that you must be a MEMBER of a UMC in the Wytheville District to be eligible to serve as an officer!

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