A New Chapter in Life

1st UMC Hillsville voted yesterday to be a multi-site church and this starts a new chapter in the life of the church as well as my life. In reality we have been multi-site for almost 2 years with Out Of The Box, we just haven’t referred to it as that and we never realized it would become  what it is today. I will be the first to admit, we had great dreams and visions of what OOTB would become but my dreams were smaller than what has happened there. God has brought a LOT of teens and adults through our doors that we never dreamed of. Hundreds and into the thousands of people have come and many return again and again.

At 1st UMC Hillsville we currently have an 830am, 11am, and 630pm Worship services. There is a Bible Study for adults on Wednesday night and Wednesday is also when our main meeting for OOTB takes place. Over the past several months we have averaged above 20 visitors in our am services (we have had as many as 40) and we always have visitors at the 630pm worship service as well. People are hungry for what is being offered at 1st Hillsville. Of course the grace of God is being offered and that is what people want but further people’s lives are being changed.

Our church has now decided to reach out in a whole new way. We are going to create a new site, a place that doesn’t look like your typical church, a new place for new people. The gospel will be preached (I will be preaching it), the same grace will be offered, it will simply be offered in a new and different way.

Misty and I are really excited, as many people are anxious to see what exactly God is going to do. Stay tuned for more and many posts about 1st Hillsville United Methodist Church, 1 Church, 2 locations.


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