Book Review: Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow

This is Book #2 I have read on the Kindle, loving this device more each day. Great book, don’t agree with everything the author concludes, but then what is new. Here are some quotes to ponder.

“Hear him calling you to a deeper, more real relationship with him than you’ve ever had before.”

In the recent death of my brother, I have grown closer to God and I have been continually digging into His Word to find comfort and answers. So, I can see the point here, however it seems odd and I do not believe this happened in order for me to grow closer.

“Jesus knows what it feels like to bring a heartfelt, passionate prayer to God and to hear God say, in effect, “I’ve got something else in mind. I have another plan. And that plan is going to require intense suffering on your part.”

Wow, this is such an in your face statement and absolutely true. For those who teach it is God’s will that everyone be healed in this world, take another look at Jesus suffering.

“Some claim that strong faith is defined by throwing our energies into begging God for a miracle that will take away our suffering and then believing without doubting that he will do it. But faith is not measured by our ability to manipulate God to get what we want; it is measured by our willingness to submit to what he wants. It takes great faith to say to God, “Even if you don’t heal me or the one I love, even if you don’t change my circumstances, even if you don’t restore this relationship, even if you allow me to lose what is most precious to me, I will still love you and obey you and believe that you are good. And I believe that you, as my loving Father, will use everything in my life—even the hard and hurtful things—for my ultimate good and your eternal glory, because you love me.” As we bring our wants and pour them out before our Father, he gives us the courage we  need to surrender, so we can say along with Jesus, “I want your will to be done, not mine.” And he gives us the grace we need to say it not through gritted teeth but with open hands.”

These are just a sample of the book, it is very much worth your time to read. Again, I do not agree with some of the authors conclusions in the book but there is a lot of help, a lot of encouragement, and hope for the hurting in this book.

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