Things I learned This Week – August 22, 2010

  • “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt
  • If the devil isn’t meeting you head on then it probably means that you and him are walking in the same direction!
  • Do not be terrified by them or I will terrify you before them. Jeremiah 1:17 wow, wow, wow speak up when God tells you too!
  • “To reach people (for Christ) no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing.”– Craig Groeschel
  • God hates unrighteous bad behavior—but he also hates self-righteous good behavior.
  • Sometimes, I want Joseph’s perspective without Joseph’s prison.
  • People hating you for a dream is nothing new. Joseph’s brothers pioneered that move centuries ago.
  • God called us because He is good, not because we are! Gal. 1:15-17
  • Your story is not destined to be a cautionary tale of what could have been.
  • There is a difference in Fear and Caution but it is a fine line. Worry is a sin and fear causes worry. Caution uses wisdom to defeat fear.
  • Hmm, God says many times, don’t be afraid. Why do we have so many fears??? Jeremiah 1

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