We have raised our boys in church and have always read Bible stories to them. Misty even read to them in the womb before they were born. Samuel has always been very verbal about what he is learning and how he is feeling, I am often amazed at the things he says. Samuel started witnessing to the waitresses in restaurants as soon as he was able to talk, even before he could put sentences together.
Then in May 2010 my brother Keith was killed in an automobile accident. I guess Samuel heard so many people including Misty and I say that Keith is now with Jesus that he decided he didn’t like Jesus and he became very afraid of death. Misty and I never said that Jesus took Keith because we believe he is with Jesus but the accident is what took his life. Then another tragedy struck when our adopted son had to leave the home. Again I believe Samuel viewed it as a death of sorts and Jesus again received the credit for that.
It has been especially concerning for Misty when Samuel would boldly announce “I don’t like Jesus.” I was never too concerned about it, knowing that as Samuel grows older he will learn and we will certainly teach him what the Bible teaches us about death. It has been a year now and many times Samuel has said, “I don’t want to die and I don’t like Jesus.” He has never stopped singing about the love of Jesus and he loves to be in church.
On Monday Misty called me at work and Samuel announced in the den that he was going to preach. Misty asked “what are you going to preach about?” Samuel said “we’re going to have communion.” Man I hate that I miss these moments with our boys.
Yesterday before leaving to go to the office Samuel asked if I would push him on the swing and as we were swinging Samuel said, “Daddy, when I was a little boy I loved Jesus and as a big boy I didn’t like Jesus but now I love Jesus again.” Wow, I knew we had turned a corner, Samuel yelled to Misty to tell her the same news. Then as he was working alongside Misty he informed her that he wanted to be a Christian and of course Misty prayed with him.
Samuel will be 4 years old in August and he teaches us so much about life and about the love of God. No, he doesn’t understand salvation at his age or does he?
That’s a beautiful story! Children have such a simple faith, and we can all learn from it. This made me think about Alex. Sunday, when Ty talked about the baptism Alex said he wanted to be baptized. I see him talking more about God, and I think God is moving in His life, but I want him to understand what it really means—but then again, maybe he’s got it all figured out in his way better than I do!
Brenda, Alex is probably more understanding right now than I am. I always share that I was baptized at age 21 or 22 and to be honest I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I just knew that I wanted to follow Jesus and that is what mattered. God is growing me up into my baptism. I will be glad to talk with you, Kerry, and Alex if you guys feel he is ready.
🙂 love….a child shall lead them….
so is this a prophetic drawing? lol
Donna, it just very well may be…It is one that I will remind him of today. Need to do an almost 4 year old one.
I think Samuel went through some very confusing times to be so young. I also believe that death should not be kept from a child. They will have to face it sooner or later and if handled in the right way, I think they will be able to digest it a little at a time. And of course, trust God to help them to understand.
I don’t think Samuel is too young to know what salvation is about. Again God works in ways that we as grown-ups can’t understand.
I teach 2-3 year old in Sunday School and I have found that do understand that telling a lie or being mean to someone is a sin and that they need to tell God they are sorry and ask Him to forgive them. Three of my little girls who are 7-8 now have accepted Jesus as their Savior. And I pray that something I taught them stuck. Gives me a great feeling when I hear this great news.
The faith of a child and we make it so difficult….Matthew 5:2-3
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Lydia and I were blessed to hear that “preaching” and participate in the communion. It was awesome! The sermon was “Ironman, Superman and Jesus.” You should have heard the praise band: Judah, Samuel and Lydia:) What a blessing!