Book Review: Change The World

Mike Slaughter is not only one of the voices calling out to the church to change, Mike has demonstrated that change in his own congregation. Sounding the alarm that the church is dying is not popular but Mike is doing so and he rightfully says if the church doesn’t change it will just continue to dwindle.

Mike Slaughter is a United Methodist pastor on a mission to Change the World.

“Moses had two careers during his first eighty years. For the first forty he was a prince of Egypt. Pretty impressive career! His next forty years were given to the management of his father-in-law’s business. Then at eighty years of age, Moses had his burning bush moment and discovered his life purpose. This is the first work of discipleship, Church. We are to assist people in the discovery of their burning bush and then throw gasoline on their life passion!”

“We must find ways as individuals and faith communities to live more simply so that others may simply live. Simplicity means fully embracing and celebrating God’s gifts today. In times of uncertainty and crisis it can be easy to postpone today waiting for a better tomorrow.”

“Returning to basics-aiming for micro, rather than macro-means reallocating resources so that life transformation and mission are prioritized over expensive and exhausting programming and expansive building projects. We have to ask hard questions about the resources poured into facilities that are used a few hours each week. Our questions must be relentless concerning the programs and meetings that consume thousands of hours of staff and servant time but fail in producing measurable results in discipleship and mission. Often the microgroups bear the most fruit.”

In the church where I serve, First Hillsville UMC/Out of the Box Worship Center we are going through the learning process of starting a new place for new people to worship. We are putting into practice the Call to Action in this book. We are looking at ways to serve the people who are not inside the church and ways to spend money on mission and not on bricks and mortar. I can speak first hand and say that people are excited.

It is time for the church to change.


“You and I are called to be part of a world-changing, Spirit-empowered “hell can’t prevail” community of action. The outcome will not be determined by the size of your congregation or the abundance of your resources-only your willingness to leave the safety of your life raft and the compliance of those who choose to remain on it. Have courage, Saints-for God is in this place and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us!”




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