You have a pure and enduring inheritance that cannot perish—an inheritance that is presently kept safe in heaven for you. (1 Peter 1:4 CEB)
Think about this. Down through eternity there has been an expectation that we would leave an inheritance for our children. We see many examples in scripture, in the Old and New Testaments. I know that I would like to be in such a situation to leave my children a lot when my time on earth is over. When my brother died unexpected last year I had an inheritance but I would much prefer to have his presence here with me.
Well I Peter tells us that we have an inheritance, those of us who love God. It is an inheritance that the Bible speaks about a lot. When we get an inheritance here in this life it will be spent or it will rust away but in heaven we are told our inheritance will never go away. Think about this for just a moment. Better than millions of dollars, better than cars, boats, and houses. We have a hope and a future that never ends. Eternity with our Creator and with our loved ones.
We serve an awesome God that we don’t always understand. Serve Him anyway. The inheritance will be worth every moment here.