Book Review: Charles Spurgeon The Great Orator

The series I am reading is called “Heros Of The Faith” the entire set is priced very reasonably and should be able to be purchased at It possibly could be out of print. I have had the series for a number of years and have read a few of the volumes and some twice. However, now I see a great need and have a Huge desire to read all of them. I have realized that God uses people who are sold out to Him and Him alone to Change The World.

Spurgeon was known as “The Prince of Preachers” and yet he stated that he wouldn’t cross the street to hear himself preach. He grew and pastored the largest church of his time, a sanctuary that held 6000 people and it was full and running over. Spurgeon like everyone else that God used as criticized and made fun of. From what I read, most of the criticism was from hearts of jealousy.

Criticized for:           

Being too young  – 19 years old at 1st pastorate

Undo familiarity with God – said when he prays, he prays as if God were right beside him (not KJV)

Standing against slaverysome of his strongest supporters left because of anti-slavery

Preaching too much Jesus – by the Christians

Rejecting traditionalism – he don’t dress right (he doesn’t wear the religious clothing of the day)

He had complete faith in God and truly believed that every time he stood to share the gospel that people would find freedom in Jesus Christ. His character was impeccable and amazingly he was loved by those outside the church as much as inside.

“A good character is the best tombstone…Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” Charles Spurgeon

The Darkest Point of Spurgeon’s life:

His ministry was growing so quickly, he was taking huge steps of faith. They had outgrown the building they were meeting in. They decided to rent this huge music hall that seated 10,000 people. In his day churches didn’t grow that large. The 1st service 12,000 people showed up. Hundreds of people were turned away..

When Spurgeon stood up someone screamed fire and the people panicked and 7 people died that day from being trampled, hundreds were injured. Spurgeon became so depressed, he struggled with health problems that traced back to that incident for the rest of his life.

Ministry Faith Secrets:        

Praying faith  – When asked, “Why does God use you” –his answer was “BECAUSE my people pray for me.”

Saving faith– do you expect someone to find Christ every time you preach? NO – that’s why they don’t.

Empowering faith – he believed the same power that worked through Jesus Christ worked through Charles Spurgeon, and that same power will work through you.

“Whosoever believeth in the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved.  Sin is no barrier.  Thy guilt is no obstacle.  Whosoever believes, shall have every sin forgiven…shall have every iniquity blotted out, shall be saved in the Lord Jesus Christ, and shall stand in heaven safe and secure.”  Charles Spurgeon

Read it, devour it, gain wisdom.




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