Greetings, Holston Districts,
Each year the Witness Ministry Team sponsors a grant program for local churches called Church Program Grants. These particular grants are designed for local churches that want to begin a new program or programs specifically to reach new people and bring them into the ministry of the church; in other words, these are evangelism grants. They are not grants for salary, bricks and mortar, or sound equipment. They are not grants for feeding programs unless those programs have a specific component to reach new persons and bring them into the church. They are grants for evangelistic outreach.
The deadline each year is September 15. This year, the Witness Team has extended the grant deadline to October 15. Please consider churches in your respective districts that might be considering a new program to reach persons outside the church and encourage those churches to apply.
All completed applications must be received in the Office of Connectional Ministries no later than October 15. A copy of the application is attached or can be found online at
Thank you for assisting us in promoting this opportunity.
Ronnie G Collins
Witness Team Chair