Book Review – Sojourner Truth “American Abolitionist’

Sojourner Truth, an African American born slave. This book is another one in the series “Hero’s of the Faith.” We read lots of stories about how people change the world and Sojourner didn’t change the world through typical ways. She had very little education, she never learned to read and write, and when she spoke she was often laughed at.

The amazing thing is, she had memorized much of the Bible form having people read it to her and could quote it flawlessly. What does that say for those of us who read and write very well and have no scripture committed to memory.

At a very young age Sojourner was sold away from her parents. Sojourner heard a call from God to preach, even through all the turmoil in her life. She preached the message of the gospel as well as the message of freedom of slaves and rights for women of all color.

There were so man hardships in Sojourners life, yet she went on and accomplished so much. As you read this story, you realize there is so much more to life than just my little corner of the world. You will be inspired as you read this story, inspired to tell the world there is Freedom in Jesus Christ. For Sojourner that freedom was a freedom from slavery but more than that, freedom from the effects of sin.

Great book, inspiring.


One comment on “Book Review – Sojourner Truth “American Abolitionist’

  1. September 3, 2011 kim

    This past year we have read biographies of Nate Saint, Gladys Aylward, Cameron Townsend, George Mueller, and David Livingstone. It is amazing what God can do through just a willing soul. We haven’t read Sojourner Truth but do have the book. Now we will be motivated to read it. We read these books and go “WOW!”, but should realize that God can use US in the same way, if we only submit to Him.


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