The Book of Job

I just finished reading The Book of Job. I have read it before but just felt like I really needed to glean from it again recently. Let me share a few insights that I learned from Job.

God and satan talk.

Satan goes throughout the earth observing what is going on.

Satan has power to afflict us with problems, but only what God will allow.

When trouble comes and people assume they know why, they don’t have a clue.

What is being said in the book of Job is that God is God and we are not!

Jobs friends, even though they were dead wrong, they were still there with him and trying to help.

It is wise to come alongside our friends and just sit with them and remain silent much of the time.

God has control of Satan but still allows him to exist at this time.

It rains on the just and the unjust. Blessings and cursing comes to all for different purposes and reasons, many times not for the reason that most ASSUME!

I don’t understand all there is to know here but God is God and I am not, in the end He will set all things right, until that time we stay about the work He has called us to, to tell the world about Jesus Christ.



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