Bishop James Swanson will Preach @ Out of the Box Worship Center on November 20th @ 9am & 1030am

I have been blessed to serve under the leadership of Bishop James Swanson and I am excited to have him preach at Out of the Box Worship Center on November 20th, 2011. You will not want to miss this and you will definitely want to invite others to join us for this special Sunday. Bishop Swanson will be with us for the 9am and 1030am services.

“If you will be the best you that you can be, you will be surprised at what God will do through you.” Bishop Swanson

“There will always be lots of people on the sidelines telling you that you’re going to fail, while they are doing nothing.” Bishop Swanson

“People will change when they see change in their leader.” Bishop Swanson

“God never gives a vision without provision.” Bishop Swanson

“I have to be the change that I want to see happen.” Bishop Swanson

Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr. was elected to the episcopacy in July 2004 and began his duties in Holston Conference in September 2004.
At the time of his election, he was Superintendent of the Savannah District of the South Georgia Annual Conference. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Bible College and Master of Divinity from C. H. Mason Seminary, ITC, Atlanta, GA. He is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Evangelism at Perkins School of Theology, SMU.
His most recent pastoral appointment was St. Mary’s Road UMC, a congregation that grew from sixteen active members to a membership of 950 with an average attendance of over 525. He has served as Chair of the Board of Commissioners, Housing Authority of Columbus, GA. He received a Hope VI Grant to revitalize a depressed community in Columbus and headed the Mayor’s Task Force on Gangs. He is a popular preacher, teacher, and leader within our United Methodist Connection.
Bishop Swanson and his wife, the former Delphine Yvonne Ramsey, have six children and twelve grandchildren. They reside in Knoxville with two of their children, JaNae` and Joshua.

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