Wytheville District Training Day November 20th 2011

District Training Day

“Our Faith Journey”

November 20th 2011

3 to 5 pm @ St. Paul UMC Wytheville

333 Church Street 24382

Schedule for the day:

3pm Gathering in the sanctuary

3:10pm 1st Seminar Offering Begins

3:55pm Break for 20 minutes with Refreshments

4:15pm 2nd Seminar Offering Begins

5pm Adjourn

Seminar Offerings for District Training Day

Creation Care: We are privileged to have Rev. Pat Watkins from the Virginia Conference as our speaker.  Rev. Watkins is a missionary with the Board of Global Ministries serving as a Church and Community worker in the Virginia Conference. He is the Executive Director of Caretakers of God’s Creation in the Virginia Conference.     “Caretakers of God’s Creation from a Theological Perspective- 5 principles of Worship, Discipleship, Stewardship, Evangelism and Missions.

Offered in both time slots

Sharing Ministry Opportunities: “Coming together as neighboring churches and charges can make a ministry need a reality. Learn how to create opportunities to work cooperatively with churches in your community through shared ministries. Randy Frye, Johnson City District Superintendent

Offered in both time slots

Church Leaders for the 21st Century “How to be a good leader or how pastors can pick good leaders.” Richard Edwards, Holston Conference Director of Congregational Development and Revitalization

Offered in both time slots

Witnessing with the invitation in mind: The need for relearning faith sharing from two perspectives: RuthAnne Henley and Ronnie G Collins

  1. The decline of the Church’s influence in our communities.
  2. Our commitment to the Church’s single Mission.
  3. Introducing Christ through social media – screen to screen witnessing
    1. a.      Rules to follow b. Engaging without confronting c. When to move the conversation to a new venue

Offered in both time slots

SPR/PPRC Training: The duties and responsibilities of this committee. All new Chairs and all new committee members are strongly encouraged to attend this seminar.   Meg Taylor, Wytheville District Superintendent

Offered only in the 2nd time slot – 4:15pm to 5pm

Better Safe than Sued: When working with youth, traveling to mission trips, and just keeping everyone safe, there are things you need to know. Chris Luper, District Youth Coordinator, Wytheville District

Only offered in the 1st  time slot – 3:10pm to 3:55pm

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