Day 35 and 5 more to go…

Today is day 35 of the 40 Day Fast. I would love to tell you that it has been easy and it has at times but overall it has been a hard thing to do. But then what isn’t worth a lot of hard work if it brings the blessing of God into your life. Now, I am not saying that if you do not fast that you will miss the blessing of God. What I am saying is that God led me to do a 40 day fast and because of following through I believe with all my heart that God is pleased. I actually hope that He allows me to do shorter fasts in the future and that I am not called to do another 40 Day. I also pray if he calls that I am attentive and obedient.

The first 27 days I took only water and an occasional spoonful of honey and for the past 8 days I have had a combination of water, a plain broth, a V8 Juice and an occasional spoonful of peanut butter. It is amazing how one spoonful of peanut butter a day after eating nothing for 27 days makes you feel as if you have eaten at the buffet. Physically I have done great, I had a check-up with my family physician this week and he said that I was doing great. There have been times when my mind was very clear and I was able to study and see scripture come alive and there have been days that I just prayed for bedtime to roll around quickly. Just being honest.

To date I have lost 35 pounds, I have walked 42 miles and this amazes me. The first time I did 40 days I was afraid to exercise at all but this time I didn’t want to start the New Year off with inactivity.

I don’t know what all God will do through this fast but I know what He has done.

He has taught me discipline that I didn’t know if I really had.

He has shown me that food holds great power over me and that is not what he desires for His people.

He has shown me that when His Word is the most important thing to us, His Word will suffice.

He has driven home the point that He expected that His people will Fast.

He has shown me that I really do want my relationship with Him more than I want anything else.

He has shown me that I can withstand the daily temptations that come my way.

The next 5 days I will continue to read, study, and pray. On Thursday at the evening meal I will break my fast and have some type of solid food. I have craved everything from flounder, to barbecue beef, to french fries, to pasta. Amazingly enough, I have had little temptation to have junk food. I think I see the effects of the junk to such a degree I almost abhor it, at least I abhor the effect it has on our bodies.

I am making some New Years Resolutions that have come from this fast and what God is speaking to my spirit, I will share these on Thursday morning, just before the fast ends. However, this fast has just begun for me. I have made a commitment with God, I will continue to live a fasted lifestyle.

More about this later.


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