I’m Back…It’s Easter and Christ is Risen

I haven’t been posting much in the past couple of weeks but I’m back. It has been extremely busy. Our family is busy with two little boys and two little grandchildren and our church is busy and growing. I haven’t been overwhelmed like I have been in the past, I have let some less important things rest a while so that I could do the things that needed to be done.

Now, I don’t mean to say that the blog is unimportant, it is just that the things I have been doing these past two weeks came first. I have had lots of opportunities to spend time one on one with some people who are hurting. Matter of fact, my heart is burdened today, more than most, for those who are in darkness, those who are living lives going nowhere good, living lives where they have to constantly look over their shoulders to see the trail of rubbage left behind them. The fact is, they don’t even see it, they can’t see the way out, they don’t even understand there is a better life.

This is what Easter is all about. It is about 2000 years ago when God became man, in the form of Jesus, he came to earth, lived, died, and rose again to offer eternal, abundant, life to those who would pick up their cross and follow Him. Do you see it? He never promised if we would just ask Him into our hearts that he would wave a magic wand and make us live the good life. You see, most people come to Christ on the promise from a misguided individual who tells them come to Christ and He will make your life easy. Jesus never made such a promise. Matter of fact, Jesus said life will be difficult and you may even have to die for your faith in Him. He never promised an easy life but He promised an abundant life. Folks, there is a difference.

My life is not easy by any stretch of the imagination but my life is abundant. I have joy in my heart, I have peace in my heart, I know that I have God living inside me, that same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the grave. That same power will one day raise me to eternal life but today it has raised me to abundant life. I want the world to know, Jesus has RISEN!


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