Catalyst Podcast – Ed Stetzer

“I believe if we are going to win North America to Christ, it will be done through New Church Starts, but not through them alone.”

Ed Stetzer

Ed goes on to say that established churches play a key role, God is not done with those of us already in existence but we must learn to work together to grow the Kingdom of God.

On my 11 mile run this morning, this is one of the podcasts that I was blessed to listen to. Ed Stetzer is one of the best when it comes to church research and new church starts or church planting. Ed works in research for Lifeway and has written several books on starting new churches.

This is a very real look at what is happening in the Christian church world in 2012. The podcast is actually from 2007 but still very relevant today. Here is the link, listen and share your thoughts. I personally believe that Ed is a prophet in the church today of what God is wanting to do and is doing among us.

“70 to 75% of churches today are either plateaued or declining.” Ed Stetzer

Here is the link to the podcast and very worth your time Ed_Stetzer_::_Episode_35


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