Are People Born Gay?

With all of the conversation going on the past few days on the issue of gay marriage, etc. I decided to try and speak to the issues and try to help people find the tools, not the tools to beat people over the head but the tools to decide what you believe to be right. The following is a Three Minute Thursday video that I made several months ago. Let me say up front, if you are not a Christian and you do not believe the Bible to be true, then this video may mean nothing to you. However, if you are a Christian then you have to wrestle with the issues and determine how it is that God expects and desires for us to behave. If there were no rules, there would be pandemonium.


3 comments on “Are People Born Gay?

  1. May 10, 2012 Brad

    I also agree that people naturally have sexual attractions which are not the result of choice. I think a better parallel than pedophilia (which has a helpless victim, thus is non-similar as a comparison) is the desire for heterosexuals to have sexual interaction before marriage. Perhaps also similar is how a man can love and cherish his wife, but yet have an intense sexual attraction to other women. It is a natural feeling, yes, but to act upon it is sin.

  2. May 10, 2012 Ina Horton

    Thank you, Ronnie! How sad when the president and vice-president of our United States of America say they are in favor of men marrying men and women marrying women!

  3. May 23, 2012 Sheila Weeks

    Great info.May God continue to Bless your ministry:)


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