Book Notes: Visioneering by Andy Stanley


This is the third book that I read in the series of working on developing a vision for the ministry in which God has called me. All three of the books were good but this one was the most helpful for me. I like everything that Andy writes so I’m not surprised.

“Everyone ends up somewhere in life. Some people end up somewhere on purpose. Those are the ones with vision.”

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in all of my recent reading is the following. Your passion is a huge part of the vision God has given you. Visionary leaders are able to see things that no one else sees and then they have the task of painting a picture so that others can get excited and come on board. I understand my passion much better now and I understand that I have to help others see what I see.

Vision takes praying and planning.

Faith is the essential ingredient of visioning.

God given visions don’t always seem practical.

A vision is always a solution to a problem.

Vision has a price. “Sacrifice”

“Everybody has a mental picture of what could be and should be for his life. But not everybody will pay the price to turn that mental image into reality.”

“Pay the price. Embrace the vision. After all, everybody ends up somewhere in life. You have the opportunity to end up somewhere on purpose.”

5 of 5 stars for this one.



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