Book Notes: Catching Fire


I love these books. Yes, I think the thought of kids killing kids is repulsive, yes, I think the thought of a government forcing people to kill each other as a game for others to enjoy is terrible, and yes, I believe there are disturbing things in these books that will cause you to wince. With that said, they are great books. I said in my notes on the first book in this series, “The Hunger Games”, and I will say it again. The people in the story were not basking in the idea of killing each other, they were not crazed criminals looking for their next kill.

This is a story in the setting of a post-apocalyptic world, the government has taken control of the people and to remind each section or district of the Country not to ever revolt again and try to overthrow the government, the government draws out two names each year, a boy and a girl, from each of the 12 districts and they have to go into an arena of sorts and fight to the death. The victor is rewarded and the reminder is that every year this is what happens because of the first uprising, it could be made to be worse.

I am getting ready to start the third and final book in the series, I could tell you so much more but I don’t want to give the story away to those who may want to read it. However, when I finish book three, I intend to blog some thoughts on the following issues, ideas, and more.

The MockingJay’s

The story behind the writing.

What it takes for such an event to actually happen to a group of people.

I would encourage you to read the books and leave the movie out. I watched the movie after reading book one and it didn’t do anything for me or for the telling of the story as far as I am concerned.

Happy reading and I would love to hear your thoughts and concerns.


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