Book Notes: Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp

dangerous calling

This book was part of my Catalyst Experience Kit and I was pretty excited to dig into it. The book is about the calling of a pastor and the challenges of that call. Contrary to what many may think, this is not a book about how hard it is to work with people in churches, rather it is a book about how we as pastor’s tend to get into trouble all by ourselves. At least this is the way I interpret it.

It is a good book and I have gained insight by reading it. The greatest lesson I learned was actually something I already knew but desperately need reminders constantly. That lesson is “There Are No Lone Rangers.” All pastors need to be pastored. We have to surround ourselves with people who will encourage us. We have to have people around us who will challenge us. We have to have people who will listen to our heart and who will point out to us when we are off the track.

A lot of what is in the book I am reading on a continual basis but I appreciated the reminders.

Chapter six was the best of the book and worth the price one will have to pay for the book. It is entitled “The Missing Community.” it addresses the fact that we preach and teach that our members need to do Christianity together but we often if not almost always leave ourselves out of that need. Pastor’s are people just like anyone else, maybe just a different calling. We need the body surrounding us to help us function properly and in a healthy way.

Not an easy read but a good read.


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