Book Notes: Zero To 80 by Olu Brown

Zero to 80


I have heard about Olu Brown for several years now, since I was called to plant a church. It wasn’t until this past weekend that I finally got to hear him preach and meet him in person. I was blessed so much by his messages that I wanted to read his book to see what it was “Impact Church” did to make a difference in so many people’s lives.

Zero To 80 is a fast read and one that is very helpful for anyone starting a church and even for those who just want to do church different and reach the un-churched.

“MAKE AN IMPACT! Look back on your life and identify the roads and paths that have brought you to the place you currently feel called to go. What gifts, skills, ideas, lessons and memories will you carry forward?”

Olu and leaders from Impact share through this book where God had brought them to start a new work to reach new people. It is pretty much like other new church starts but the difference maker for me in this book is that I now know the author and I can relate to what he writes here. There is inspiration in the book but more than anything there is “How To.”

From designing a service, welcoming people in the parking lot, to hiring staff, there is good advice. Short quick read chapters, perfect for a tweet inspired 140 character world. Get a copy and go start something new for new people.


“Make a list of those things in your community, your ministry, your relationships, and your encounters with others that make you angry, unsettled, exasperated and/or tempted to get up on your soapbox. What are you searching for?”

“I cannot express how important it is for you to VISION BIG. No matter how big your vision is — as long as God gave it to you in the first place — it does not make God afraid or cause God to become concerned.”

“If you think your vision is possible, it’s not big enough. If you think you can’t accomplish your vision, well, it’s just about the right size. Our goal is to push you to the next level. I dare you to add 10 or 12 more ideas to your current vision.”

“What big visions have been calling you? What big ideas would demonstrate your church’s mission, purpose and core beliefs? It is time to dream limitless dreams. As you dream, write it down, type it, text it, Tweet it, Facebook it, scream it, pray it, cry it, laugh it. Whatever you do, do not hold it in. Trust God to make your vision come true. Dare to dream impossible dreams.”



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