A letter from Pastor Ronnie to Out Of The Box WC – February 10th, 2013

My God Forgives Me

Why is it when 90% of Americans say they believe in heaven that so many neglect to search for the truth about how to know for sure when they die that heaven will be their home. Is it that people feel inadequate to understand scripture? It it that people have been taught to trust their religious teachers? I’m not sure what all the reasons are but I know this, if you are a part of Out Of The Box, I want to make sure that you know where you will spend eternity.

MY GOD FORGIVES ME – This is why we will spend eternity in heaven. You will never be good enough, you will never get to the point where your good deeds outweigh the bad, it is only by the grace of God.

15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15

Kids understand Forgiveness.  It makes sense to them. 

A child simply believes that forgiveness means forgiveness…..


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

It is my prayer that you will remember this week and that you will share it with at least one other person.



“I, I am the One who erases all your sins, for my sake; I will not remember your sinsIsaiah 43:25

The God of the UNIVERSE, the omnipotent, all knowing, ever present God – When you ask for forgiveness, God Hits the DELETE Key.

 God has truly set us free, free to be who He has called us to be. He is made us good, so be good. Don’t use your freedom for sin but remember when you do sin, His Grace Is Sufficient For Us.

This morning the service was so good, the spirit was so alive, and God’s people were free. 226 people in worship and so many of you have told me the message and the music was just what you needed to hear. I am honored to be the one who got to deliver the good news.

The praise team did an awesome job in Jay’s absence. Thanks to Caleb, Joye Marie, Ashton, and Jake for an outstanding job. We are so blessed and I pray that we never take his blessing for granted. We have been blessed with the best when it comes to leaders and volunteers who work so hard to make every weekend a time to make IMPACT. Thank you guys, you make me smile and you make my heart glad.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday evening at 6pm for our Ash Wednesday service. I also look forward to our next 3 weeks and the series, “The End.” God is doing a great work in Hillsville but even greater than that, God is doing a great work in the hearts of His people.

Pastor Ronnie

tweets from the peeps…

What an AMAZING service this morning Out Of The Box Worship Center, I went in this am ready to begin a new series and like in life itself; was “sermon” detoured…and so grateful for that spirtual detour. Can’t wait to share the sermon on FB when its up and ready; it is amazing and every word spoken and every song sung is a reflection of my life and my world. Blessed. ♥

God uses my church to help me feel loved, empowered, and at peace. But I can’t stay there. #takeitoutside #ootbwc

God blessed us in hearing His word and His thoughts this morning through your teaching. It was awesome! Thank you and God bless you and your family!

What an awesome service this morning. Ronnie G Collins brought it this morning. How great is Gods forgiveness? He knows where the delete button is, it’s us that refuses to use it. Awesome job Caleb Taylor, Ashton, Jake, and Joye Marie.

God throws our sin into the deepest oceans#ootbwc

I just had a wonderful time of worship at Out Of The Box Worship Center. I miss this the MOST! Thank you Ronnie G Collins for teaching truth and showing how great and easy it is to be a child of God.

Listening to the kids singing as the music is drifting upstairs #priceless #ootbwc

Awesome message on grace and forgiveness #ootbwc

Living under Grace is living in constant awareness of what we’ve been given in light of what we deserve. #ootbwc

When The God of the Universe forgives us He hits the delete button on our sins. #ootbwc

There’s nothing you can do to sin your way out of God’s grace.” @ronnie24317 @fumcoutofthebox #ootbwc

Ronnie and Caleb Black and White




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