I wish I could have captured for you what I experienced this morning. The picture above was taken about 8am when the team was getting ready and warming up their voices. They were harmonizing and working on their parts, they were going over the songs they would do at the 9 and 1030am services. The music was great and I think it was even greater because I got to see and hear what God was seeing and hearing but most of you never will.
Jake was in his sock feet playing the drums, Jessica was wearing her winter coat and holding a coffee mug, Jay had a late evening with the basketball team (but on top of his game anyway), and Craig was just Craig, always the same. There were times when Jessica would walk over to Craig to get her part and finally she said if she didn’t get it she would just lip sync. I warned her of she did that I would expose her on facebook.
The music was awesome and just watching the team and seeing what God sees of his children all the time. It was a moment, the spirit was definitely speaking at that moment in time. I think he was saying, just be yourself. Just be the best you that you can be and I (Holy Spirit) will make up the rest. Besides, it’s all His anyway. I started to ask the team to just carry on in the services like they were at that moment but then I knew it wouldn’t be real.
This is what I think I like most about Out Of The Box, it’s REAL!
It may not always be smooth but it will be real. Everyone here works hard to give you a worship experience that you won’t soon forget, something that will get you from one Sunday to the next and yet leave you longing for more. Today was one of those days. Wow…
We finished up week 3 of our series “The End.” It is my prayer that everyone is more aware that “Jesus is coming soon.” The older I get the more I realize how close to eternity we are and the more I look forward to it. So many people say they just want more time here, time to be with their family and friends, and time to explore the world. Trust the Bible, we are going to enjoy all of this and more in heaven. Focus on making the little time we have here telling others about the Savior of the world.
It is pretty apparent to me that I am going to have to do a series on Heaven in the near future. When I talked about heaven in week 2 a lot of people came to me and said they had never heard the truths that were shared that day. We will enjoy food in heaven, we will enjoy fellowship exploring the universe, swimming if you like to swim, hiking if you like to hike, marathons if you like to run, we are going to have eternity to do the things we only dreamed about here and even things we never imagined.
It was a great series, a lot of fun to preach, and one that many of you have told me you have grown in your faith. That is a win! YES! (Amen)
We had 196 people in worship this morning with 46 in children’s ministry, WOW! I believe if we had room for 500 people, we would have that many by the end of the year, with about 150 children. Can you imagine that?
Pray for it, I am!
I love you guys, you rock my world!
Pastor Ronnie